Birthdays & Christmas
Its so weird when you used to talk to people almost every single day, and they were your best friends, or your loved ones, and then... nothing.
You end up in a kind of awkward limbo of "are we still friends? do we still like each other? at least can we stand each other? do we hate each other?", and so you barely say two words each of your birthdays, and probably in Christmas and New Year. Probably.
What gives, anyway? Why do we end up like this? Specially because as far as I can tell, almost nothing changed from my side of the conversation. Do people just decide to hate you one day without telling you? There's a saying in Spanish that says "la gente se vuelve loca, y no avisa". It means "people go crazy, and don't tell you". And yeah, its a double-edge bite because I'm certainly not the most lucid person in the world, but people just really actually get mad at you and decide that I suck apropos of nothing.
Then forget you. We'll keep getting Birthdays and Christmas and that's it.
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