The Angers

Mother's anger is like a big dry explosion. Its a gigantic bomb that explodes without warning. It leaves a big crater where you are knocked off, asleep, because you don't know what the hell happened. It burns with no fire, it doesn't leave you marks, but there's certainly scars inside. You can feel them, do you? That bomb has exploded since many years ago, and its ratio has become smaller, but no less deadlier.

Father's anger is like artillery in a war. Its quick, its sudden, and it pierces and hurts and leaves holes in everything it touches. It rings in the air, and it leaves you feeling in despair, because you didn't expected it, and if you did, you didn't know it was that hellish. You can still see the bullet holes on the walls decades later, like if they were brand new, and no matter how much you paint and try to cover them over, you know there are holes still in there. 

The Son's anger is like leaving a fireplace unsupervised, as it starts with a match and tinder, and a little flame, and it suddenly turns into a great wildfire, that scorches the earth and the trees, and you can feel the heat and the ash hours, probably days, later, and then everything is quiet, and everything is dead.

But no anger is bigger than what was before. 

The Grandmother's anger was like a nuclear bomb. It burns your skin, it dries your throat, it kills you before your time, because it leaves you with long lasting radioactive scars that will not heal, and everybody around it can feel it, and years may have passed, but you can still see your skin glowing in the night. Its still there. It still burns, and you can see the damage anymore, you can only feel it, in the back of your head, like the baggage you bring to the planes.

The Grandfather's anger, I know nothing about it. I heard it was explosions so far in the distance, like fireworks, bright little stars, that entice you and trick you in thinking its all beautiful. Explosions here and there, a burning hermit, not content in staying in one place, or exploding in just one home. It brought families together, even if they didn't liked each other. More wood for the chimney, feel cozy, feel warm, in a exploded home, yes I heard it was explosions so far in the distance, but I know nothing more about it.


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